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OK Go again put more energy in creating music videos than music

I am the only one who thinks OK Go puts more emphasis on making videos than writing music?

I’m just sayin…start the video to get the audio playing and minimize it. Then you tell . . . → Read More: OK Go again put more energy in creating music videos than music

OK GO to EMI: You're neutering us

OK GO‘s Paul Damien Kulash wrote a fantastic NYT Op-Ed back in the Sony rootkit days (December 2006) about the need for fans to be able to downoad DRM-free music.

Last week he wrote another, this time about YouTube and EMI’s ban on embeddable video…

MY band is famous for music videos. We direct them ourselves or with the help of friends, we shoot them on shoestring budgets and, like our songs, albums and concerts, we see them as creative works and not as our record company’s marketing tool….

Believe it or not, in the four years since our treadmill dance got such attention, . . . → Read More: OK GO to EMI: You're neutering us