Greg Swan, managing editor


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Counting Crows Poster Giveaway

countingcrows_contest.JPGChristmas is getting closer! I can tell because the bad holiday muzak has filled the hallways, elevators and restrooms at my office, the mall and the place where I get my haircuts.

Despite the bad tunes, the snow in the air and upcoming vacation time is making me pretty excited about Christmas. To show you just how excited I am, we’re going to be doing a series of giveaways…I’m like freakin’ Santa over here.

Today we have three (3!) autographed Counting Crows summer tour posters from our friends at Sneak Attack Media. I assume this is the winning fan poster design from the contest this summer.

Here are two tracks off the March’s Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings (Geffen), the band’s first studio album in five years:

To snag your early stocking stuffer, . Be sure to put “Counting Crows” in the subject line and indicate if you’d like to be added to the band’s e-mail list. Then I’ll have the intern randomly pick three names whilst shouting, “Ho Ho Crows!” (sorry, couldn’t resist).

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