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The Forest and The Trees' new video for To the Forest

Stockholm based husband and wife combo The Forest & The Trees released their debut single this week via Ill Fit Recordings, “To The Forest (I Need Some Peace).”

The video is gorgeous, although I’ve been to Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head, and I’m not sure I know what’s going on here…

Stream the entire album here:

View CommentsThe Forest and The Trees' new video for To the Forest

  • My wife plays piano and percussion, and I'm pretty sure she sings like an angel. I'm a hack but can play a little guitar. I we need to start a husband-and-wife rock duo.

    Our music videos might not be this bizarre, though.

  • My wife plays piano and percussion, and I'm pretty sure she sings like an angel. I'm a hack but can play a little guitar. I we need to start a husband-and-wife rock duo.

    Our music videos might not be this bizarre, though.

  • Can't wait to hear it!

  • Can't wait to hear it!

  • Can’t wait to hear it!

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