Greg Swan, managing editor


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Cordarounds: Ribbed For Your Pleasure

I consider myself a straight, yet open-minded fashionista. It’s true.

And while I typically try to abstain from commenting on pop culture’s current taste in apparel, I was forced to make an exception when presented with what some are calling the “Revolucion de Pant” — Lindland’s Cordarounds.

Continue reading Cordarounds: Ribbed For Your Pleasure

Johnny Cash! The Man, His World, His Music

My friend Tim is the one who really turned me onto Johnny Cash. Always praising the “man in black” with a quick Folsom Prison reference or pointing to the ad up on his office wall.

“There ain’t nobody else like him, and there will never be anyone else like him,” Tim would say, obsessing about his vinyl Cash collection while having me time him solve the myriad of Rubik’s cubes we kept around the office.

He was right.
Continue reading Johnny Cash! The Man, His World, His Music