Greg Swan, managing editor


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Perfect Porridge

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Merry Christmas from Perfect Porridge!

Hallmark Christmas

On behalf of myself, I’d like to wish you a very Merry Christmas!

It’s been a heck of a ride here at Perfect Porridge these past six years, and I have to say 2010 has been one of the best so far. Not only did I welcome yet another little person into my beloved family on the home front this year, my day job and side gig writing on this here music blog have just been exploding.

My panel on music blogs at SXSW this year was a major career milestone and allowed me to develop a deeper relationship with (and understanding of) music industry professionals from DIY bands to well-oiled label machines.

With that said, the pitches are getting heavier – averaging 130/day, up from 100/day in 2009. That means I’m continually overwhelmed with new music and rarely reply to anyone. Apologies again, but it’s just not going to happen in 2011.

On the dangerous ego front, I was named to a few lists this year, including Twin Cities Top 10 Titans in Social Media, Top 11 Minnesotans Who Moved the Social Media Needle and .

Minnesota Business wrote a flattering feature article using an enormous shot of my head (the digital link doesn’t do it justice).

Frankly, I don’t know how to respond to this kind of attention and since I’m now in the “recovering-egoist” camp, I hope it dissipates in the coming year. Longtime readers know I’m not a big “list” guy.

We don’t do Top 10 band lists every December at Perfect Porridge, for example. Instead I just try to only post music that’s good; music I like. There is so much out there, why bother posting and panning the crap?

Check out all the great reviews, interviews and mp3′s we posted this year. The 80/35 Festival was a highlight, too.

Due to my growing family responsibilities at home I didn’t hit nearly as many live shows this year as I have in the past decade. While that’s totally cool and right thing to do, I kind of feel out of touch with the local Minneapolis music scene, and it’s something I want to work on in 2011 — even if it’s just paying better attention to local releases whilst changing diapers and chaperoning school field trips.

Anyway, it’s been a great year, and I hope you have a great 2011!

As my gift to you this holiday season, check out these eggnog n’ brandy-worthy holiday tracks to put together your own holiday playlist.

Christmas Concert 1998

And lastly, here are some Christmas accordion videos for you to rock around the fireplace this evening…

(ps – I’m taking the rest of 2010 off. Peace out).

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